Church of San Michele Arcangelo
Built between the eleventh and thirteenth-century in typical Romanic style, was rebuilt in 1892, but losing much of medieval architectural elements.
Of the ancient building remains only a very damaged bezel in sandstone located above the main entrance into which is carved the Archangel Michael that defeating the dragon and on the bottom you can still read the date: "ANNO [O] D. MCCXXIII".
In the church there are three stone altars where you can admire the elegant paintings: in the main altar there is a copy of St. Michael painted by Guido Reni painted by Improved Montone in 1904, in the right there is the painting of the Madonna of the Rosary made by an unknown author (XVII), in the altar on the left there is a painting of St. Joseph built by Nazzareno Gironi of Gubbio 1919. In the small choir preserves a painting of St. Michael, already exists in the old church above the altar.